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Monday, 17 March 2014

Pottering Along

So a lot of promises have been made on our builders part and the last two weeks haven't really lived up to them. You might remember they now have to provide us with a fortnightly schedule of what will be happening on site- which they are yet to fill in correctly. Two weeks ago they did not get all items completed and this last week they had completed what they said they were going to. So its not terrible but if I was the builder and had given such bad services I would be saying I would get the bare minimum done each week and then  'surprising' the owner with extras. But then again, if I was the builder the house would be finished by now!
We have back roof frame and all the scaffolding is now down. The other progress items are not very interesting (laundry chute cut out, minor electric and plumbing works etc)

Friday, 7 March 2014

Things are Looking Up!

Last week we received an email from the builders stating our house would be finished mid June. So we are back on schedule! YAH!
So much for the general manager stating there was no way we would be finished on time....Jake thinks he meant that the build was meant to take 9 months, whereas the contract states 12 months (buffer of 3 months?) and that's what we always go off.
They sent us a schedule for the next three months, not much happens in March but then a lot happens in April and May.
Ceilings were done this week to the top floor. Its looking good. We noticed another error but hopefully it is easily fixed. As for this week...haven't been out yet but we did get an email saying that due to unforeseen circumstances they were not able to get us our fortnightly update on time but it should be to us on Monday.