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Saturday, 27 July 2013

Brick Work Continues

Last week we had only a bit of rain but not much work was completed at the block. This week heaps of rain but a fair amount of work done. Funny That!
We have got our meeting with our Site Supervisor on Wednesday. We were meant to have a meeting 3-4 weeks ago but week after week the guy failed to ring us as he was meant to to schedule a meeting. We then tried to book through our current liaison person at Ventura but the times and dates never married up. Apparently the guy is also only available for meetings Monday to Wednesday and only till 3pm. Finally we got Wednesday 3:30. If it took such an effort to arrange this meeting I am worried for the future meetings when they really matter (i.e. check before handover)
Above is one of the pillars for the alfresco area.

This is the back wall of the house (right hand side). The first big opening is going to be the double sliding doors.

This is the window from the above picture It has a gap underneath it as it is going to have a solider sill. A solider sill is where the bricks go the other way creating a large window sill. Jake hopes to one day have a bar bench extending from this window.

This is the right hand side of the house. The gap is the laundry sliding door.

This is the inside of the back right hand corner of the house, Kitchen and Laundry.

This is the front door. The pillar will make the portico and is in a different brick to the rest of the house as it will be rendered. 

This is a view through the left hand side front window.

The current view of the front of the house.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Another Few Walls...

Not too much happened this week...I'm guessing because the weather wasn't the greatest.
This is the inside of the garage which now has another two walls. The bricks look quite dark on these two walls...not entirely sure why.

This is the garage door through to the kitchen.

This is a plumbing duct..there are three of these annoying things in our house and the fact that we had to have them wasn't bought up until near the end of the design process.

This is a view of the garage walls from inside the house. 

The front wall and side wall now have their second brick layer.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

First Room!

Went out to the site yesterday and our first room is built!
The room is the guest bedroom but it still needs a wall to section off the ensuite.

Below is our entertainment room. In the second picture you can see the balcony into the entertainment room starting to take shape. The wall will eventually have custom built shelves all the way along it to house my DVD collection.

 Jake is happy with the wall size as he is almost 2 metres and wanted high ceilings!

 Below is the dining room doors. Their will be two sliding doors and two full length windows within that frame.

 This is our newest wall- its the back wall of our house and currently only runs the span of the guest bedroom.

The internal layer of outer wall bricks has been done for all current walls.

We should be meeting the onsite supervisor in the upcoming weeks.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Here's a house with a wall....

Compared to the pre build process, the actual build seems to be going quickly!

Brick delievered and Septics put in

Bricks were delivered Monday 24th of June. Pretty happy with the face brick. It was Jake and mines 3rd preference as our first had been discontinued and we really didn't like each others second.

Many more trees/shrubbery had been bulldozed when we went out to the block so looks like the septics and leach drains have been put in!

Slab Down

The slab was completed Tuesday 18th June.
Above you can see the laundry, kitchen and dinning room towards the bottom of the picture (left to right).

I am glad the rain held off till after the slab was poured!


 Footings were completed on Friday 14th of June...funny as that was the day the slab was meant to be complete. Oh well, at least they got something done.  In the above picture you have the study (bottom left corner) next to the entry way. Then the garage is still just sand.
 The concrete piece in the middle of this picture is where our day bed (sunken mattress in the floor) will be in our lounge room. To the left of the picture is guest bedroom and en-suite and to the back of the picture is the dinning room, kitchen and laundry.
The builder also alerted us to another problem, Western Power would be unable to get power to the site until August (at the earliest) and we would either have a 3 month delay or need to pay for a generator. We were all prepared to pay for the generator when the builder came back and said the generator would be at their expense. WIN!